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Defeat The New World Order

 Defeat The New World Order

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. – Jimi Hendrix
Dave Hodges
Activist Post
20 ways to Defeat the New World Order
We are living in a 21st-century feudal society and we are the serfs. Humanity is sliding ever faster into the great abyss of subsistence living. We have heard it all before; the rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer. However, we hear that humanity outnumbers the globalists and their minions.
Americans have 300 million handguns and these two factors should allow us to defeat those of far fewer numbers. If this were true, tell me why is humanity losing the war against tyranny?
How does one defeat the New World Order (NWO) with their control over the banks, the military, the corporations, health care and the politicians? In short, they own it all. Is there any way to defeat the NWO? The truth is, I don’t know how to defeat the NWO and neither does anybody else because we do not know how to mobilize society. Below are a few suggestions that I feel we can use to slow them down. I call it the “death by a 1000 cuts” strategy. Following our delaying actions, while we get our house in order, this article concludes on what it might truly take to defeat evil.
Death By a Thousand Cuts
Sun Tzu once said that “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” The previous parts in this series have clearly demonstrated that we cannot defeat the globalists on the battlefield. We cannot fully count on the police and the military to protect us as we revolt against this unfolding tyranny. However, there are some strategies that we can employ which can slow down the NWO until we can get our act together and fully prepare.
1. Take your money out of the megabanks. Now, they are presently harassing customers who are doing so. Therefore, go to the credit union or state-owned bank and write a sizable check from your soon-to-be former bank. At the same time, take out the daily maximum from your account. Keep enough in the bank to pay your bills and no more.
2. Turn off all mainstream media. Control of mass media is the key to the Bolshevik strategy for command and control. Only listen to networks and visit websites like theRepublic Broadcasting Network, Rense.comSteve QuayleStan and Holly Deyo andGenesis Communication. Do not watch network news unless you are viewing it as a way to determine what the enemy is up to. Apply the same logic to your local newspaper as they are all owned by Gannett Broadcasting. Most of your radio stations are owned by Clear Channel and they all have the same globalist propaganda.

 Get your children out of the government schools with their NWO Common Core curriculum along with their zero tolerance policies and transgender restrooms.
4. Never a borrower or a lender be. We are now a nation of debt slaves. Pay cash for everything. If you cannot pay cash, then you do not buy it! Own your future instead of the banksters owning you.
5. Service your car at the local garage and do not use the car dealer’s mechanics.
6. Stay out of Walmart, Kmart and every other slavemart. Shop at your locally owned store and stay out of the chain stores they are all owned by the enemies of humanity (e.g. Walmart slave labor).
7. Dine out at your “mom and pop” stores. Stay out of the corporate chains as you are only feeding the NWO beast.
8. Buy gold and do not hoard cash. This cuts into the power the NWO bankers have over you and your country.
9. Never vote for the incumbent. The longer the power hungry are in power, the more likely they are to be on the take.
10. Store food and water. Buy privately sold guns and bury them so you have them following the coming gun confiscations. You will need them to protect your food and water.
11. Try, as hard as it might be, to buy only Made In America products.
12. Make a registry at your local community mail box of which you list the trades and skills possessed by your neighbors so you can trade craft favors. Also, sell your products in the same manner. Trade and barter and get out of the habit of using credit and debit cards as well as cash. This will minimize your tax bill. There are laws being passed against these practices. Ignore these laws. Starve the Federal Reserve beast.
13. Educate your neighbors, family and friends that this government is controlled by those who would do you harm.
14. Have an escape plan. When the roundups start you will need a place to hide out for about six months.
15. Grow your own food and try to conceal that fact as much as possible. Encourage your neighbors to do the same so you are not murdering each other on the fourth day following the coming currency collapse.
16. Eat organic and avoid GMOs. Exercise, read and take vitamins. Meditate before starting each day.
17. Let chemtrails become the new symbol of the tyranny that is ruling over us.
18. Do not ever get on a bus of any kind where they promise safety and food. History shows that you have a 98% chance of not getting out of the new place of “safety” with your life.
19. Your best allies are your families and extended family. Plan according to this principle.
20. Realize that you cannot prepare for all eventualities. Therefore, enjoy each day, because the future is promised to nobody and we live in very predatory times.
How to Defeat the NWO Once and For All
We cannot defeat the NWO at this time because they are us. Yes, they are indeed evil personified, but they represent everything that is also wrong with us. All of us are the NWO, and if we want to not be the NWO we need to stop acting like them. Every time we cheat on our spouses, we are no different than Jon Corzine who cheated investors out of 1.2 billion dollars of secured investment accounts in MF Global. Every time we spread malicious rumors and lies about another human being, we are no different than what Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch do with CNN and FOX on a daily basis. You see, all of us are the NWO.
We have met the enemy and he is us.
When you come to realize that, every human encounter possesses a nexus point with every human being we encounter. In each instance, we have a choice to be honorable, compassionate and kind to another or to take advantage of them. You have a choice to chart a new path for humanity or to walk in the evil footprints of those who have come before you.  You can pick up the Cross and walk the path of righteousness. Or we can continue to serve and be ruled over by evil. We have a choice, but our window of opportunity is quickly closing.
Dave is an award winning psychology, statistics and research professor, a college basketball coach, a mental health counselor, a political activist and writer who has published dozens of editorials and articles in several publications such as Freedoms PhoenixNews With Views and The Arizona Republic.
The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.


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